After lots of years I drove a car last week. I normally play LFS with G25 so first thing I had to get used to different sensibility of controls. A real car is nowhere near the G25 pedals. Next step was getting used to clutch, but surprisingly I stalled a lot more often with the XFGT that with that real car. Parking decenlty for me ws almost impossible in LFS, even in pit going straight, you just dont know where the car is and you cant lean your head towards ahead! In the real car was quite easy.
As said above in a real car you have awareness of what is around you and perspective of the space occupied by car. LFS helped me to get rythm quite quick cause after a while my body started to use the reflexes aquired by playing and I found myself shifting gear, steering right and looking oncoming left cars (didnt have to press any button!) at the same time. Only that the gearbox of that car was awful.
What my experience told me is: with LFS you get used to the controls of a car and your muscles memorize the movements.
Sensibility of pedal wheel ecc is different, but it's like when you drive a new car for the first time.
You are nervous less time.
In LFS you drive on a track, even if it's a cruise server. It wont help you in everyday driving, moreover, you know its a game so crashing doesnt worry you a lot. If somebody can do a track similar to a city road maybe would be different.
There are more of small difference that I wont list for post size reason, but the conlcusion is that LFS can help you in some aspect of real driving but only if you always keep in mind that cant subsitute a real teaching or experience.
Thanks for reading.